Sunday, March 4, 2012

Midterm Reflections

As we come to the middle part of this course in Introduction to Online Teaching we are asked to reflect on what we have learned to date and if this is a career that we are interested in continuing with.

During the first unit we became familiar with Blackboard and its components.  Although at first there was a learning curve that had to be mastered, I am now familiar with Blackboard and its tools and features.  As a student, through the use of Blackboard, I can communicate with my peers and the instructor.  We found many of the Blackboard and Blackboard IM features extremely helpful when we were doing our group projects.  Blackboard IM is very nice too since we know who else is online at any given time and we can use this to ask questions and collaborate.

Although I currently train “netiquette”, I was able to improve my personal “netiquette” and have forwarded the URL to our curriculum design team as a link we may want to use.  I found the site very detailed and helpful. 

I have learned that if I want to successfully complete this course that I have to restructure my time so that I can give this course the time that it requires.  To devote less time impairs my learning and success.  I am determined to complete this course and earn my certification as it will expand my employment opportunities and assist me in being the best teacher that I can be.  Excellence is a goal that I set for me and those I teach. 

I learned a new empathy for online learners and that has had an influence on the type of online instructor I will be in the future.  I am much more in tune to how to meet leaning needs based on learning styles and understand the types of adjustments that I need to make to my teaching style to be a more effective online instructor. 

We use a hybrid or blended style as we have web based teaching, self directed online classes, classroom for lecture, computer program instruction and hands on practice activities.  Students will also finish up their training with a couple of weeks of on the job training where they shadow experienced workers in the field.  This entire process is very thorough yet often confusing for the students.  

One of the changes that I will make is being more “high touch” in my approach. As I begin a new class next week, I have developed a welcome letter that sets a positive tone to the work we will be doing together and provides all of my contact information in case there are questions or difficulties.  Course expectations are clearly outlined and the class participants are invited to tell me of any special learning needs that they may have.

As I was preparing for this class I noted that some needed schedule changes left the students with only minimal support during their first few days.  Due to my new understanding of the needs of online students and my new understanding of learning styles, I have added twice daily contact between myself and the students.  I have also added a twice weekly group discussion for the group.  I believe that these needs would have gone unrecognized previously, leaving many learners with their needs unmet.

In this particular class we will spend the first two weeks together online doing facilitator led training as well as self directed training.  In keeping with the article Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning I am developing questions for them to work on in work groups to try to assist with engagement and provide opportunities for them to learn from each other instead of listening to me lecture.  This class is a combination of new employees and those who are transferring from another specialty to investigations.  This multiple levels of experience will be considered when groups are developed.  This should assist with the transfer of learning.  These groups will also meet the learning needs of those Visual/Verbal and Auditory/Verbal learners as they enjoy working in groups.  Combining the various experience levels allows for “campfire” and “water cooler” discussions within the groups.

In spite of the fact that our curriculum design may be confusing to students at first, it meets the various learning styles of our students.  The online and web instruction meet the needs of visual and auditory learners while the classroom has a lot of practice which meets the needs of kinesthetic learners.  I need to improve my facilitation and delegation skills and move away from the expert style in order to meet a wider variety of learning needs.  Being a subject matter expert and relying on that expertise in the face to face model may have become a crutch that I have utilized.  I think that as a visual learner I tend to believe that others learn in the same way.   I look forward to challenging myself in this area and stretching my teaching muscles as I prepare for class in a way that forces me to use facilitation and delegation skills.  I am certain that these will become more natural to me as I practice them.

I am excited about the digital portfolio.  It has a professional look and is not something that everyone is using.  The use of the digital portfolio demonstrates a skill simply by setting it up and referring others to it.  It also provides much more information than you can efficiently communicate through a resume alone.  I can display a curriculum that I have designed or one that I am trying to promote as a consultant.  As I seek consultation positions or online teaching jobs, this one simple and easy to design digital portfolio really sets me apart from my competition.  I am thankful that I have been introduced to this technology.

My portfolio strategy is to define what I am currently doing, what I am capable of doing, and what my experience in my field has been.  I want to sell my expertise in my profession and also sell that I can be an effective online instructor.  I want my portfolio to be friendly and professional.

Do I want to complete this certification course?  The answer is yes, yes, yes!  Is this something that I can do?  Can I be effective?  Again I believe that this is a good fit for me.  I am passionate about maximizing myself and others in my field.  I have heard that this curriculum gets more difficult each semester and I am already being challenged at a high level.  I love what I do.  I love child welfare and I love teaching.  Online teaching is the way of the future.  I believe that my passion for my field and my desire to remain relevant is what will motivate me forward towards certificate completion and my future success as an online instructor.