I am very excited and anxious as I begin this course. I am excited as I have been bored over the break and am happy to return to a learning environment. I am excited to be entering the final stage of the Certification Program. For me the completion of this program means that I can move forward with and achieve a long time goal. I have worked with traumatized children for over 30 years both personally and professionally. I have developed an understanding and expertise of this population and am passionate about improving their life experiences. One area that I would like to impact is the educational system. I have noted over the years how children who have experienced trauma have behavioral problems and are often negatively labeled in the school system. The labeling is not done with malice but out of misunderstanding of the impact of trauma. I want to offer a course that provides trauma education to those working in the elementary school system. During the course of this Certification Program I have developed a course called, Identification and Management of Traumatized Children in the Classroom. The completion of this course will give me the knowledge and skills needed to achieve this long time goal.
Yes, I am also anxious but part of that is my very nature. I am anxious that I may not be successful in this class which is probably not based in reality. I am also anxious that I may not meet my own expectations, which may be real since I set very high expectation of myself. I tend to be a perfectionist and am disappointed with falling short. I am also anxious because of my lack of experience in this area. I have never designed or produced a class and this is a new experience for me. Prior to this Certification Program I have never taken an online course. The classes we offer where I work are more of a hybrid course, using conference calling and webinar. This anxiety is offset somewhat by my previous success in the classes I have taken in the Certification Program.
I am also somewhat anxious, silly though it may be, that our due dates are now Friday. Historically our due dates have been on Sunday. Although I have usually turned my work in early, I still had the weekend if I needed it. This only means that I will have to readjust when I complete my work and that I have to work ahead a bit more. Still, change causes me anxiety. As I said, that is a part of my nature. I am lucky that I have learned to accept my anxious nature and use it to motivate me.
I am particularly anxious because I do not anticipate anchoring my course with a University and thus will not be using their Learning Management System. I will be offering this course independently for a fee on the internet. It has been recommended that I utilize coursesites.com as my Learning Management System. I am nervous as I want to develop/produce this class in that environment so I do not have to duplicate my work in the future and also because I want to familiarize myself with that system as I will be using that environment/LMS. Since our instruction is on the Blackboard system used here at Governor's State University I am worried that I may not have the necessary support and thus not meet my learning objectives. I know that coursesites.com is a free site offered by Blackboard but I anticipate differences. I have adjusted my life schedule to have 12-15 hours available each week for class work but I also work full time and thus have limited time to learn two systems.
My main barrier or weakness is my lack of experience. This has been a concern every semester but I have been successful in spite of that. My strengths are that I learn quickly and work hard to overcome barriers. Failure is not an option. I am excited and anxious about moving forward with this course. I plan on nothing less than success but fear not meeting my goals.